FDIC Insured

Business Checking

Beneficial Ownership? The beneficial ownership rule makes it mandatory for all financial institutions to comply by identifying the ultimate beneficial owner(s) and a controlling person of a legal entity customer opening or maintaining an account. You need to complete this form whenever you open a new business account with us.

Contact us if you have any questions about our product line.

Services Features Benefits Fees
Business Checking Non-interest bearing account designed for businesses with low transaction volume.
  • - $500.00 minimum balance to open account
  • - Includes 100 Debits and 100 Credits
  • - Online Banking and Bill Pay
  • - $15.00 minimum balance fee if monthly average balance falls below $1,500.00
  • - $0.20 per item over transaction limit
Business Checking with Interest Interest-bearing checking account with a tiered interest rate.
  • - $500.00 minimum balance to open account
  • - Interest compounded daily and paid monthly on balances $500.00 and above
  • - Includes 100 Debits and 100 Credits
  • - Online Banking and Bill Pay
  • - $20.00 minimum balance fee if monthly average balance falls below $2,500.00
  • - $0.20 per item over transaction limit
Active Business Checking Non-interest bearing account designed for businesses with slightly more transactions than basic business checking account.
  • - $1,000.00 minimum balance to open account
  • - Includes 250 Debits and 250 Credits
  • - Online Banking and Bill Pay
  • - $25.00 minimum balance fee if monthly average balance falls below $5,000.00
  • - $0.20 per item over transaction limit
Account Analysis Checking Non-interest bearing high-volume account. This account is for business customers with a high volume of transactions or high average balances. Features an earnings credit that may offset service charges.
If the credit exceeds fees, then fees are waived in full and credit zeros out. It is not an interest that applies to balances. Conversely if the credit is short, account is charged the difference.
  • - $500.00 minimum balance to open account
  • - Earnings allowance
  • - Earnings can offset service charges
  • - Analysis Statement
  • - Cash Management products
  • - Nontraditional fees can be built in. Example-Courier or GARDA
  • - Online Banking and Bill Pay
  • $15.00 Monthly account minimum balance fee
  • - $0.15 currency supplied/deposited, per hundred
  • - $0.14 per roll or $5.00 per box fee
  • - $3.50 per bag for coin deposited standard sorted
  • - $0.14 per roll/$6.00 per bag for coin deposited non-standard
  • - $12.00 per bag for coin deposited, mixed
  • - $0.12 per item for checks/debits paid
  • - $1.00 per credit for deposits/credits processed
  • - $0.10 per item for checks deposited
  • - $0.08 each for ACH debits/credits received
  • - FDIC Insurance is a variable rate
Business Money Market Interest-bearing account typically used by businesses who wish to earn interest on deposits which they will not withdraw for a period but can still write checks.
  • - $2,500.00 minimum to open account
  • - Interest-bearing, paid monthly on balances above $2,500.00
  • - Link as overdraft protection
  • - Unlimited credit transactions
  • - Online Banking and Bill Pay
  • - $20.00 minimum balance fee if monthly average balance falls below $10,000.00
Safe Deposit Boxes Option for safekeeping records and other valuables. Only available at Santa Rosa Main branch.
  • - Many sizes available
  • - 2 keys issued
  • - Auto account debit for ease of rental payments required
  • - Rent is based on box size
  • - $15.00 Key Deposit, reimbursed upon box closure and return of keys.


Nonprofit Partner Program:

Designed for 501(c) tax-exempt organizations to enhance fundraising efforts and maximize organization’s money.

Non-interest bearing operating accounts: Earn 0.95% on non-interest bearing operating accounts. Analyzed business accounts are included. For example, a $100,000 average Summit account balance would receive a $950 annual contribution.

Interest-bearing accounts: Earn 0.25% on your interest-bearing Summit savings, money market and demand deposit accounts. For example, a $100,000 average Summit account balance would receive a $250 annual contribution.

Insured Cash Sweep (ICS®): Earn 0.65% on non-interest bearing operating account or 0.15% for an interest-bearing account.